Get the task list dimension.

GET /api/TaskListDimension

This request should be used to retrieve information on task lists for specified engagement(s). The columns here include information on the task list status, the percentage of completion, when it was created, how many tasks are on the task list, who was it created by and when as well as the zero day. It is similar to the information that can be found on the Task List page in Task Manager.

Query parameters

  • tlstatus string

    Task list status possible values - NotStarted or 0, Close or 1, Open or 2, Archived or 4, All or 99(Default option)

  • Short Guid of desired engagement Ex - ESXmkya-nEeWMX-7_3fSxA or Guid of desired engagement Ex - 45c31339-96d0-4262-b051-c00f392685c1


GET /api/TaskListDimension
curl \
Response examples (200)
    "TaskListKey": 28461,
    "TaskListName": "Tets",
    "EngagementKey": "45c31339-96d0-4262-b051-c00f392685c1",
    "TaskListStatus": "1",
    "TaskListZeroDay": "2020-04-03T00:00:00Z",
    "TaskListStatusText": "Closed",
    "TaskListCreatedByName": "Example User",
    "TaskListCreatedDateTime": "2020-04-03T10:03:49.0728352Z",
    "TaskListCreatedByUserName": "",
    "TaskListFinalizedPercentage": 100.0