Get task attachment dimension.

GET /api/TaskAttachmentDimension

This request should be used to retrieve information around attachments that are uploaded to tasks for specified engagement(s). This includes the name of the attachment as well as a key used to connect the table to the task facts table.

Query parameters

  • Short Guid of desired engagement Ex - ESXmkya-nEeWMX-7_3fSxA or Guid of desired engagement Ex - 45c31339-96d0-4262-b051-c00f392685c1


GET /api/TaskAttachmentDimension
curl \
Response examples (200)
    "AttachmentKey": 58337,
    "EngagementKey": "45c31339-96d0-4262-b051-c00f392685c1",
    "AttachmentName": "Example.docx"