Get legal entities by Engagement GUID

GET /api/v1.0/engagements/{engagementSid}/legal-entities

Path parameters

  • engagementSid string(uuid) Required

    The unique identifier (GUID) of the engagement to retrieve legal entities for

Query parameters

  • $filter string

    OData $filter parameter

  • $orderby string

    OData $orderby parameter

  • $top integer(int-64) Required

    OData $top parameter

    Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 500.

  • $skip integer(int-64)

    OData $skip parameter

    Minimum value is 0.

  • $count boolean

    OData $count parameter


GET /api/v1.0/engagements/{engagementSid}/legal-entities
curl \
 -X GET{engagementSid}/legal-entities?%24top=42
Response examples (200)
  "value": [
      "city": "Example City",
      "active": true,
      "address1": "123 Business Street",
      "address2": "Suite 100",
      "extraInfo": "Additional notes",
      "postalCode": "12345",
      "countryCode": "US",
      "countryName": "United States",
      "currencyCode": "USD",
      "currencyName": "US Dollar",
      "legalEntityId": 12345,
      "engagementGuid": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440001",
      "organizationNo": "123456789",
      "legalEntityCode": "LE001",
      "legalEntityGuid": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
      "legalEntityName": "Example Subsidiary Ltd"
  "@odata.count": "string",
  "@odata.nextPage": "string"
Response examples (404)
  "type": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "status": 42,
  "detail": "string",
  "instance": "string"
Response examples (401)
  "type": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "status": 42,
  "detail": "string",
  "instance": "string"
Response examples (403)
  "type": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "status": 42,
  "detail": "string",
  "instance": "string"
Response examples (400)
  "type": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "status": 42,
  "detail": "string",
  "instance": "string"
Response examples (default)
  "type": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "status": 42,
  "detail": "string",
  "instance": "string"