Get Legal Entity Dimensions
This request should be used to retrieve information around legal entities such as legal entity names, addresses, and currency configurations – as seen under the legal entity tab on the engagement in Setup.
Query parameters
Short Guid of desired engagement Ex - ESXmkya-nEeWMX-7_3fSxA or Guid of desired engagement Ex - 45c31339-96d0-4262-b051-c00f392685c1
curl \
--request GET
Response examples (200)
"legalEntity_Key": 42,
"engagement_Key": 42,
"entityCode": "string",
"entityName": "string",
"status": "string",
"address1": "string",
"address2": "string",
"zipCode": "string",
"city": "string",
"isCrossEntity": true,
"country": "string",
"entityCurrencyCode": "string",
"entityCurrencyName": "string",
"entityInformation": "string",
"engagementGuid": "string"